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               Tomorrow’s Promise List of Community Services


                              Tomorrow's Promise Foundation Inc., a Non Profit-501c3. 

  • Family Support Services: Our Target group is people 8 to 36 

    • Providing help and resources for young adults 8 to 36 their children spouses and parents.

    • Providing  referral information and assistant to community programs/services.

    • Providing referral information and assistant to State and Federal public assistance programs.

    • Providing referrals information to receive reasonable accommodations .

    • Providing referrals information to legal aid programs/organizations.


  • Housing Assistance 

    • Providing help and the resources to assist in acquiring rental assistance programs, such as subsidized housing of lower income families, the elderly and disabled.

    • Providing resources to help renters to become homeowners.

    • Providing information and referral for BGE, Water, Rent, Mortgage and food resource.

    • Provide help for people in hardship, Fire, homelessness etc, providing, donations, resources and grants are available.

    • Referral information and assistant to the lighthouse program.


  • Employment Assistance

    • Provide the necessary tools, guidance and information needed to obtain and secure employment opportunities.

    • Providing job seekers confidential assessments,  referrals and as well as follow-up services to those who may have personal and/or work related problems.

    • Provide employee referrals to prospective employers.

    • Resume writing services.​

  • We offer several forms of Parents Coaching; and they are as follows: 

    • Provide Client's with guidance, tools and information needed to achieve their specific or personal goal.

      • Encourage client's on a range of professional and personal goals.

      • Assisting in Character development = learning how to instill and practice good ethics (life and work), practice integrity, being positive, empathetic, sympathetic and understanding.

    • Career & Employment Coaching

      • Providing a mediation link between employers and employees, ensuring any concerns from either party are addressed quickly and efficiently.

      • Providing confidential assessments, short-term mentoring, referrals, and as well as follow-up services to employees who have personal and/or work related problems.

      • Providing valuable tips, training, classes to help obtain and secure employment

      • We provide group sessions, workshop, Podcast topics, conferences.

      • Because of Covid any Sessions we offer is done online.

  • Legal Assistance (please note Tomorrow’s Promise does not practice law and is unable to provide legal or behavior health,  Medical or mental health advice.  

  • We can provide referral pamphlets for Legal and Behavior health information

    • Providing  record Expungement Assistance.

    • Providing information and referral assistance to Legal Aid Services.

    • Providing information and guidance on a “Fresh New Start”.

  • Homeless | Underprivileged Services

    • Providing information and referral assistance for food and housing programs.

    • Providing clothing, shoes, toiletries and other basic human

    • necessities when donations and/or grants allow it.

    • Providing assistance in obtaining a Real ID (IDENTIFICATION).

    • Providing assistance in obtaining and securing employment, as well as follow-up services to help keep client on a path to succeed to advance  lifestyle choices.

    • Providing referral assistance for alcohol, narcotics and substance abuse programs.


Tomorrow’s Promise Foundation always welcome sponsors, monetary and charitable donations. We are looking for sponsors, ambassdors, interns and volunteers as well to join our team. 

 A large percentage of all revenue from our professional  paid coaching goes to the running and success of the foundation and the community.

We can be reach at 443.540.8686, Office# 667.260.2158

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